Develop WPF App like Windows 10 Setting App [closed] Develop WPF App like Windows 10 Setting App [closed] wpf wpf

Develop WPF App like Windows 10 Setting App [closed]

The easiest way would be to create your apps as Windows 10 UWP apps of course.

But if you want to stick with WPF, there are several libraries already available (and you'll possible find more if you dig deep into the web). The two I know from the top of my head are:

The first one giving you more UI controls, the second one is focusing on the new Windows 10 controls like SplitView and RelativePanel.

A good place to get you started layout-wise if you want to create your own controls, is dig into the styles for these existing controls (if you installed the 8.1 and 10 SDKs).

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\winrt\xaml\design

C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsKits\10\DesignTime\CommonConfiguration\Neutral\UAP\10.0.10240.0\Generic

For everyone who is looking for an answer to this problem.There is a NuGet package to bring the Metro Design to WPF applications: