Disable a right click (press and hold) in WPF application. Disable a right click (press and hold) in WPF application. wpf wpf

Disable a right click (press and hold) in WPF application.

The OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown/Up approach did not work for me.

  1. There is a property Stylus.IsPressAndHoldEnabled on UIElement however. Set that to false to get rid of the press and hold right click behavior. I tested this on Windows 7 with .NET 4.0, but the property is available from .NET 3.0.

    <RepeatButton Stylus.IsPressAndHoldEnabled="false" ... />

  2. There is also a blogpost here that provides a code sample for a similar disabling of press and hold at window level. But with this in place, the PreviewTouchDown and TouchDown events will not be raised as soon as the finger touches the screen (which would be necessary for a RepeatButton I guess), only later. Read the 'Remarks' on this msdn page.

You can override the OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown on the Window and set Handled to true. You also need to handle OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp (thanks to Vitalij for pointing this out)

That should do the trick.