Distinguish between normal "ENTER" and the number-pad "ENTER" keypress? Distinguish between normal "ENTER" and the number-pad "ENTER" keypress? wpf wpf

Distinguish between normal "ENTER" and the number-pad "ENTER" keypress?

See link, example impl. below.

private static bool IsNumpadEnterKey(KeyEventArgs e){  if (e.Key != Key.Enter)    return false;  // To understand the following UGLY implementation please check this MSDN link. Suggested workaround to differentiate between the Return key and Enter key.  // https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/b59e38f1-38a1-4da9-97ab-c9a648e60af5/whats-the-difference-between-keyenter-and-keyreturn?forum=wpf  try  {    return (bool)typeof(KeyEventArgs).InvokeMember("IsExtendedKey", BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, e, null);  }  catch (Exception ex)  {    Log("Could not get the internal IsExtendedKey property from KeyEventArgs. Unable to detect numpad keypresses.", ex);  }  return false;}

N.b. if you want to check for regular EnterKey then obviously you should call
e.Key == Key.Enter && !IsNumpadEnterKey(e)

The scan code is different for every key. You will have to be able to see that.

Sorry if I am being useless, but I don't think this is possible. Both of the ENTER keys return the same thing, so there is no real way to distinguish.