Drag WPF Popup control Drag WPF Popup control wpf wpf

Drag WPF Popup control

There is no DragMove for PopUp. Just a small work around, there is lot of improvements you can add to this.

<Popup x:Name="pop" IsOpen="True" Height="200" Placement="AbsolutePoint"  Width="200">   <Rectangle Stretch="Fill" Fill="Red"/>            </Popup>

In the code behind , add this mousemove event

   pop.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(pop_MouseMove);   void pop_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)    {        if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)        {            pop.PlacementRectangle = new Rect(new Point(e.GetPosition(this).X,                e.GetPosition(this).Y),new Point(200,200));        }    }

Here's a simple solution using a Thumb.

  • Subclass Popup in XAML and codebehind
  • Add a Thumb with width/height set to 0 (this could also be done in XAML)
  • Listen for MouseDown events on the Popup and raise the same event on the Thumb
  • Move popup on DragDelta


<Popup x:Class="PopupTest.DraggablePopup" ...>    <Canvas x:Name="ContentCanvas">    </Canvas></Popup>


public partial class DraggablePopup : Popup {    public DraggablePopup()    {        var thumb = new Thumb        {            Width = 0,            Height = 0,        };        ContentCanvas.Children.Add(thumb);        MouseDown += (sender, e) =>        {            thumb.RaiseEvent(e);        };        thumb.DragDelta += (sender, e) =>        {            HorizontalOffset += e.HorizontalChange;            VerticalOffset += e.VerticalChange;        };    }}

Another way of achieving this is to set your Popup's placement to MousePoint. This makes the popup initially appear at the position of the mouse cursor.

Then you can either use a Thumb or MouseMove event to set the Popup's HorizontalOffset & VerticalOffset. These properties shift the Popup away from its original position as the user drags it.

Remember to reset HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset back to zero for the next use of the popup!