How can I make a WPF Expander Stretch? How can I make a WPF Expander Stretch? wpf wpf

How can I make a WPF Expander Stretch?

All you need to do is this:

<Expander>  <Expander.Header>    <TextBlock      Text="I am header text..."      Background="Blue"      Width="{Binding        RelativeSource={RelativeSource          Mode=FindAncestor,          AncestorType={x:Type Expander}},        Path=ActualWidth}"      />  </Expander.Header>  <TextBlock Background="Red">    I am some content...  </TextBlock></Expander>

Non stretchable Expanders is usually the problem of non stretchable parent controls.. Perhaps one of the parent controls has defined a HorizontalAlignment or VerticalAlignment property?

If you can post some sample code, we can give you a better answer.

This solution is a lot simpler and does not effect other expander controls you may using in your application.

  <Expander ExpandDirection="Right" Grid.Column="0" Name="topOfB">     <Expander.Header>        <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Width="{Binding Path=ActualWidth, ElementName=topOfB}">            <!-- control content goes here -->