How can I read WPF publish version number in code behind How can I read WPF publish version number in code behind wpf wpf

How can I read WPF publish version number in code behind

Access the assembly version using Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() and display in UI


Add reference to System.Deployment library to your project and adjust this snippet to your code:

using System.Deployment.Application;


string version = null;try{       //// get deployment version    version = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion.ToString();}catch (InvalidDeploymentException){    //// you cannot read publish version when app isn't installed     //// (e.g. during debug)    version = "not installed";}

As stated in comment, you cannot obtain publish version during debug, so I suggest to handle InvalidDeploymentException.

useSystem.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Versionto avoid get version from dll,will get always the version from the current "exe".