How can i specify a designer datacontext for a style, so Resharper finds my properties? How can i specify a designer datacontext for a style, so Resharper finds my properties? wpf wpf

How can i specify a designer datacontext for a style, so Resharper finds my properties?

@lhildebrandt's answer is generally right, but in my case this solution produces errors that totally disable displaying the view in designer. Specifying <d:Style.DataContext> inside <Style> tag helped me.

<Style>    <d:Style.DataContext>        <x:Type Type="local:MyTreeItem" />    </d:Style.DataContext>    <!--usual setters, triggers, etc.--></Style>

In this way d:DataContext can also be specified for controls, and we can provide it interfaces, nested classes and even generics without any errors:

Have you tried:

    <Style TargetType="TreeViewItem" d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance      test:TestItemViewModel}">

Atleast for me the properties are highlighted and shown with IntelliSense in VS 2015 and R#9.

Seems to be an identical solution to Specify datacontext type on listbox ItemContainer in style