How can WPF objects deriving from Freezable be frozen in XAML? How can WPF objects deriving from Freezable be frozen in XAML? wpf wpf

How can WPF objects deriving from Freezable be frozen in XAML?

To freeze a Freezable object declared in markup, you use the Freeze attribute defined in XML namespace

In the following example, a SolidColorBrush is declared as a page resource and frozen. It is then used to set the background of a button.

<Page   xmlns=""  xmlns:x=""  xmlns:po=""   xmlns:mc=""  mc:Ignorable="po">  <Page.Resources>    <!-- This brush is frozen -->    <SolidColorBrush x:Key="MyBrush" po:Freeze="True" Color="Red" />  </Page.Resources>  <!-- Use the frozen brush -->  <Button Background="{StaticResource MyBrush}">Click Me</Button></Page>

Source: Freezable Objects Overview

Add this to your xaml namespace declarations:


then, in your freezable objects, include this attribute
