How do I create a datatemplate with content programmatically? How do I create a datatemplate with content programmatically? wpf wpf

How do I create a datatemplate with content programmatically?

If for whatever reason you need to create a DataTemplate programmatically you would do:


<Grid x:Name="myGrid">    <ContentControl ContentTemplate="{DynamicResource lightGreenRectangle}" /></Grid>

Somewhere in your code:

    public static DataTemplate CreateRectangleDataTemplate()    {        var rectangleFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(Rectangle));        rectangleFactory.SetValue(Shape.FillProperty, new SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Colors.LightGreen));        return new DataTemplate                   {                       VisualTree = rectangleFactory,                   };    }    public static void AddRectangleTemplateToResources(FrameworkElement element)    {        element.Resources.Add("lightGreenRectangle", CreateRectangleDataTemplate());    }

Then you just need to add the DataTemplate to a ResourceDictionary so it can be used. For example, in the code behind:

    public MainWindow()    {        InitializeComponent();        AddRectangleTemplateToResources(myGrid);    }

Hope this helps!

Using the following helper class:

/// <summary>/// Class that helps the creation of control and data templates by using delegates./// </summary>public static class TemplateGenerator{  private sealed class _TemplateGeneratorControl:    ContentControl  {    internal static readonly DependencyProperty FactoryProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Factory", typeof(Func<object>), typeof(_TemplateGeneratorControl), new PropertyMetadata(null, _FactoryChanged));    private static void _FactoryChanged(DependencyObject instance, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)    {      var control = (_TemplateGeneratorControl)instance;      var factory = (Func<object>)args.NewValue;      control.Content = factory();    }  }  /// <summary>  /// Creates a data-template that uses the given delegate to create new instances.  /// </summary>  public static DataTemplate CreateDataTemplate(Func<object> factory)  {    if (factory == null)      throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");    var frameworkElementFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(_TemplateGeneratorControl));    frameworkElementFactory.SetValue(_TemplateGeneratorControl.FactoryProperty, factory);    var dataTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(DependencyObject));    dataTemplate.VisualTree = frameworkElementFactory;    return dataTemplate;  }  /// <summary>  /// Creates a control-template that uses the given delegate to create new instances.  /// </summary>  public static ControlTemplate CreateControlTemplate(Type controlType, Func<object> factory)  {    if (controlType == null)      throw new ArgumentNullException("controlType");    if (factory == null)      throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");    var frameworkElementFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(_TemplateGeneratorControl));    frameworkElementFactory.SetValue(_TemplateGeneratorControl.FactoryProperty, factory);    var controlTemplate = new ControlTemplate(controlType);    controlTemplate.VisualTree = frameworkElementFactory;    return controlTemplate;  }}

You can create a data-template like this:

DataTemplate template =   TemplateGenerator.CreateDataTemplate  (    () =>    {      var result = new TextBox()      result.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, "BindingPathHere");      return result;    }  );

You are free to use any code to create the control as you will do if you were creating the control directly, without any data-template.For more info, see this tip in code project: