How to make Resharper resolve path for CustomBinding MarkupExtension How to make Resharper resolve path for CustomBinding MarkupExtension wpf wpf

How to make Resharper resolve path for CustomBinding MarkupExtension

Actually it's not possible in current versions of R# and, unfortunately, still be missing feature of upcoming R# 6.1 release.

This feature requires a lot of infrastructure changes, but it's on our list and definitely will be implemented in R# 7. Seems like [CustomBindingMarkup] and [BindingPath] (for path constructor parameter and the Path property) attributes will be introduced.

We really apologize for any inconvenience.

You should access your custom Markup-Extension, using the correct namespace:

<UserControl x:Name="uc" ...xmlns:ext="clr-ns:YourProjectNamespace">  <TextBox Text="{ext:CustomBinding ViewModel.CurrentText, ElementName=uc}" /></UserControl>

Here is a nice article about creating custom Markup-Extensions.

One way to fool R# is to name it Binding:

public class Binding : MarkupExtension{    public Binding()    {    }    public Binding(string path)    {        Path = path;    }    public string Path { get; set; }    public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)    {        return 5;    }}

Then it works the same as standard binding with R#

<TextBlock Text="{custom:Binding SomeProp}" />