How to override copy and paste in richtextbox How to override copy and paste in richtextbox wpf wpf

How to override copy and paste in richtextbox

To override the command functions:

protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) {  if (keyData == (Keys.Control | Keys.C))  {    //your implementation    return true;  }   else if (keyData == (Keys.Control | Keys.V))  {    //your implementation    return true;  }   else   {    return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);  }}

And right-clicking is not supported in a Winforms RichTextBox


Realized too late this was a WPF question. To do this in WPF you will need to attach a custom Copy and Paste handler:

DataObject.AddPastingHandler(myRichTextBox, MyPasteCommand);DataObject.AddCopyingHandler(myRichTextBox, MyCopyCommand);private void MyPasteCommand(object sender, DataObjectEventArgs e){    //do stuff}private void MyCopyCommand(object sender, DataObjectEventArgs e){    //do stuff}

What about Cut while using Copy and Paste Handlers? When you have your custom implementation of OnCopy and you handle it by

e.Handled = true;e.CancelCommand();

OnCopy is also called when doing Cut - I can't find the way to find out whether method was called to perform copy or cut.

I used this:
//doc.Editor is the RichtextBox

 DataObject.AddPastingHandler(doc.Editor, new DataObjectPastingEventHandler(OnPaste)); DataObject.AddCopyingHandler(doc.Editor, new DataObjectCopyingEventHandler(OnCopy));    private void OnPaste(object sender, DataObjectPastingEventArgs e)    {     }    private void OnCopy(object sender, DataObjectCopyingEventArgs e)    {    }