How to use a different template for selected and drop down states in combo box in Silverlight? How to use a different template for selected and drop down states in combo box in Silverlight? wpf wpf

How to use a different template for selected and drop down states in combo box in Silverlight?

The ComboBox.ItemTemplate is just a convenient way to set the ComboBoxItem.ContentTemplate. So your code above basically tries to set the ComboBoxItem.ContentTemplate twice.

As Jobi pointed out, you could try to use just a custom Style. You can safely exclude the ContentPresenter, if you always know the type of the Content. The ContentPresenter just allows you to use a DataTemplate to display some random data. But you could just replace it with a TextBlock and an Image. You just lose the ability to specify a DataTemplate.

The problem with Jobi's approach is that the select item won't show it's image, even if it's in the drop-down. Really the selected item is displayed in two locations (the drop-down and the main body of the ComboBox). In one location you want one DataTemplate, and in you want a different DataTemplate in the other.

Your best bet is to restyle the ComboBox. You can get the default Style from here. There is a ContentPresenter with the name "ContentPresenter". You would need to:

  1. Remove/change the name of the ContentPresenter, so the ComboBox will not automatically set the Content/ContentTemplate properties
  2. Bind the ContentPresenter.Content property like so: "{TemplateBinding SelectedObject}"
  3. Set the ContentPresenter.ContentTemplate property to your DataTemplate without the Image
  4. Set the ComboBox.ItemTemplate property to the DataTemplate with an Image and TextBlock like you were
  5. Give the ComboBox Style an explicit key, like x:Key="MyComboBoxStyle"
  6. Use the Style on your ComboBox, like Style="{StaticResource MyComboBoxStyle}"

This effectively ignores the ComboBoxItem.ContentTemplate when displaying the selected item in the body of the ComboBox, but uses it when display the ComboBoxItem in the drop-down.

You can achieve this with just ItemsContainerStyle. Add your TextBlock and Image instead of the ContentPresenter. Add the VisualStateManager and toggle the Visibility of the Image control based on the Selected State of the VSM.

DataTemplate is mainly for your Data visualization, It is better to give all UI related dynamics inside the ControlTemplate(Control behaviors). There is no potential issue if you dont have a ContentPresenter. The only issue is that if you want to reuse this ControlTemplate from some other ComboBox. Then you can declare another clean Control template with a ContentPresenter there.