Manifest may not be valid or the file could not be opened. Manifest may not be valid or the file could not be opened. wpf wpf

Manifest may not be valid or the file could not be opened.

I was able to solve my issue by removing the signing of the manifest.
If you right-click your project and go to properties then to the Signing Tab; uncheck the Sign the ClickOnce manifests and Sign the assembly.
I'm not sure what this does in terms of security but my app installed after I removed these options.

I had the same issue and it was just the machine didn't have the appropriate .Net version.

I found the reason. It was MIME type issue in server setting.

So, please add .htaccess file in FTP root directory.

And write this in it.

AddType application/microsoftpatch .mspAddType application/microsoftupdate .msu AddType application/x-ms-application .application  AddType application/x-ms-application .manifest  AddType application/octet stream .deploy   AddType application/x-ms-vsto .vsto

It works perfectly for me.