My WPF Application cannot locate resource 'Mainwindow.xaml' My WPF Application cannot locate resource 'Mainwindow.xaml' wpf wpf

My WPF Application cannot locate resource 'Mainwindow.xaml'

Change the StartupUri="MainWindow.xaml" to StartupUri="FolderName/MainWindow.xaml"

Solved my problem, when I moved my MainWindow to the View Folder

In my case I needed to use pack URI syntax to set SrartUpUri property of my App.xaml file to point to a new location of my MainWindow.xaml, as so:

   <Application x:Class="TrafficLights.Controller.App"                xmlns=""                xmlns:x=""                StartupUri="pack://application:,,,/View/MainWindow.xaml">

More on pack URIs here:

Hope it helps. Good luck!

This happened to me few times - always when I moved MainWindow.xaml to different folder and forgot to update StartupUri in App.xaml.