Prevent memory leaks in WPF Prevent memory leaks in WPF wpf wpf

Prevent memory leaks in WPF

This blog post lists the most common situations that cause memory leaks in WPF applications.

  • Event handlers to objects in parent windows
  • Registering to events from static objects
  • Using timers
  • Data binding
  • Changing the Text property of a text box

It also describes how to fix these common issues.

Another good approach is to develop an app while following the standard guidelines and then use some kind of profiler to determine any memory leaks or performance bottlenecks.

From MSDN: Any WPF framework-level element (those objects deriving from either FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement) has three common lifetime events: Initialized, Loaded, and Unloaded.


Unloaded is raised last and is initiated by either the presentation source or the visual parent being removed. When Unloaded is raised and handled, the element that is the event source parent (as determined by Parent property) or any given element upwards in the logical or visual trees may have already been unset, meaning that data binding, resource references, and styles may not be set to their normal or last known run-time value.