Rendering issue with WPF controls inside ElementHost Rendering issue with WPF controls inside ElementHost wpf wpf

Rendering issue with WPF controls inside ElementHost

this.Loaded += delegate{    var source = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this);    var hwndTarget = source.CompositionTarget as HwndTarget;    if (hwndTarget != null)    {        hwndTarget.RenderMode = RenderMode.SoftwareOnly;    }};

Try using that in the wpf control you are hosting. This is a known rendering issue of the the wpf controls that are hosted in win forms. Changing the rendering mode to software only will solve the problem.

I had a similar problem and solved forcing a refresh of the ElmenetHost in the scroll event of the TableLayoutPanel

Ok, this is gonna sound like total B.S. but it worked for me: in the Load event of your form, resize the form.

public class MyForm : Form{   public MyForm()   {      Load += (o, e) => { Width -=1; Width +=1; };   }}

After the form has been resized, I could not force a display issue.