Return JSONP in proper format WCF Return JSONP in proper format WCF wpf wpf

Return JSONP in proper format WCF

If you're submitting an ajax request with jQuery and asks for dataType: "jsonp", jQuery will pass a name for the callback function in the request (e.g., /returndata?s=hello&callback=jquery123456789), so returning a constant "jsonCallback" will not work in that case.

Also, in your question you have the operation contract definition returning Stream, while on the operation itself you're returning string - something is wrong there.

What you need to do: you have two options. The first one is to let WCF handle the JSONP padding for you. Your operation would need to return a data type with a property "Status", and just return it. You'd also need to enable the CrossDomainScriptAccessEnabled property on the WebHttpBinding used by your endpoint. Your operation would look something like the code below:

public class MyType{    public string Status { get; set; }}[ServiceContract]public class Service{    [WebGet(UriTemplate = "returndata?s={s}")]    public MyType ReturnData(string s)    {        return new MyType { Status = "OK" };    }}

The second option, if you want to create the JSONP code yourself, would be to take an additional parameter in the URI for the callback function name, then use it when creating your response. You'd also need to return it as a Stream, so that you don't get the response as a string (which is probably what you have right now). That would look like this:

[ServiceContract]public class Service{    [WebGet(UriTemplate = "ReturnData?s={s}&callback={callbackFunctionName}")]    public Stream EchoWithGet(string s, string callbackFunctionName)    {        string jsCode = callbackFunctionName + "({\"Status\":\"OK\"});";        WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "application/javascript";        return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsCode));    }}

And this jQuery code can be used to access this service:

    function StackOverflow_11090835_Test() {        var url = "/StackOverflow_11090835.svc/ReturnData";        var data = { s: "Hello world" };        $.ajax({            type: 'GET',            url: url,            data: data,            dataType: "jsonp",            success: function (result) {                $("#result").text(result.Status);            }        });    }

You need to eval the output from your WCF call. See this fiddle.

You're getting a string back from your WCF call. You essentially need to compile it and then execute it.

Here's the code from the fiddle:

function jsonCallback(obj){    alert(obj.Status);}$(document).ready(function(){    var js = "jsonCallback({'Status':'OK'})";    eval(js);});​

The js variable is your output from the WCF call. As soon as I eval it, it will compile and execute.