Screenreader WPF Groupstyles Screenreader WPF Groupstyles wpf wpf

Screenreader WPF Groupstyles

The problem is really about how the screenreader is supposed to reach the value. Groupitems are accessible from cursor via MSAA, but not via UIA. UIA is the primary API to use for accessibility in WPF.

The core problem with UIA and WPF, is when trying to read controls which are found by cursor (other ways are focus and caret), usually returns the main window instead.

As a developer of a screenreader myself, the best way to deal with this is to use both MSAA and UIA. If UIA returns nothing of value, fall back to using MSAA.

Try setting AutomationProperties.HelpText alongside with Name.

You can use DisplayMemberPath="Name":

    <ListBox x:Name="lstbx" Margin="71,45,99,78" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=win, Path=Samples}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" >

enter image description here

Or you can use .ToString():

public class sample{    public string Name { set; get; }    public string Location { set; get; }    public override string ToString()    {        return Name;    }}