Set value of hyperlink with WPF by code Set value of hyperlink with WPF by code wpf wpf

Set value of hyperlink with WPF by code

An alternative answer, which I consider more straightforward than working with the inlines is to put a TextBlock (with x:Name) inside the Hyperlink and then call its Text property in the code behind:

<TextBlock Margin="98,190,116,133.418" FontSize="14">    <Hyperlink Name="hyperlink" RequestNavigate="Hyperlink_RequestNavigate">        <TextBlock x:Name="hyperlinkText"/>    </Hyperlink></TextBlock>

Then in code behind you can set the hyperlink's text by calling hyperlinkText.Text, like this:

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){    this.hyperlinkText.Text = "some custom text";}

You can use the Inlines property this way:

hyperlink.Inlines.Clear();hyperlink.Inlines.Add("Your text here");