Setting a background image on a WPF image control? Setting a background image on a WPF image control? wpf wpf

Setting a background image on a WPF image control?

Image has no property to allow for that, just put the Image in a Border and set the Border.Background to an ImageBrush.

No you need to images. Set the Window background to the image and set the root element background to an image

<Window.Background>    <ImageBrush ImageSource="BackgroundImage.png"/></Window.Background><Grid.Background>    <ImageBrush ImageSource="ForegroundImage.png"/>    </Grid.Background>

As shown in tested code here set the Window background to an image brush. Notice AllowsTransparency="True" And WindowStyle="None" to drop the border.

<Window x:Class="khaosInstallerWPF.MainWindow"    xmlns=""    xmlns:x=""    Height="616" Width="773"     ResizeMode="NoResize" Icon="images/khaos_Installer_UI.png"     AllowsTransparency="True" WindowStyle="None">    <Window.Background>        <ImageBrush ImageSource="images\khaos_Installer_UI.png"/>    </Window.Background>    <Grid Margin="0,0,0,0"></Grid></Window>

Bonus: If you are using a shaped for be sure to make your form draggable

namespace khaosInstallerWPF{    public partial class MainWindow : Window    {        public MainWindow()        {            InitializeComponent();            MouseDown += delegate { DragMove(); };        }    }}