Setting Button's Content to <Image> via Styles Setting Button's Content to <Image> via Styles wpf wpf

Setting Button's Content to <Image> via Styles

The style creates one instance of the Image, you cannot use it in two places like this. You can create the image as a separate resource with x:Shared= false and reference it in the style then a new one will be created in every place the style is used.


<UserControl>    <UserControl.Resources>        <Image x:Key="img" x:Shared="false" Source="D:\Temp\dictionary16.png" />        <Style x:Key="TestStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">            <Setter Property="Content" Value="{StaticResource img}" />        </Style>    </UserControl.Resources>    <StackPanel VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left">        <Button Style="{StaticResource TestStyle}" />        <Button Style="{StaticResource TestStyle}" />    </StackPanel></UserControl>

Already yesterday i found a user with a similar problem: WPF - Change a button's content in a style?

This post got me to this soloution (couldn't post it because of 8 hour limit of stackoverflow -.-)

<Setter Property="ContentTemplate">    <Setter.Value>        <DataTemplate>            <Image Source="{mcWPF:LangRes imgSettings16, Bitmap}" Height="14"/>        </DataTemplate>    </Setter.Value></Setter>

Don't know weather this is more clean/dirty/better than H.B.'s soloution