Using the TaskBarItemInfo in WPF for the progress bar in Win 7 taskbar Using the TaskBarItemInfo in WPF for the progress bar in Win 7 taskbar wpf wpf

Using the TaskBarItemInfo in WPF for the progress bar in Win 7 taskbar

In the same way that you are binding the ProgressValue, you can also bind the ProgressState. The type of the ProgressState is an enum called TaskbarItemProgressState, which includes the states you already mentioned.

public enum TaskbarItemProgressState{    // Summary:    //     No progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.    None = 0,    //    // Summary:    //     A pulsing green indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.    Indeterminate = 1,    //    // Summary:    //     A green progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.    Normal = 2,    //    // Summary:    //     A red progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.    Error = 3,    //    // Summary:    //     A yellow progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.    Paused = 4,}

I think the 'slickest' ways to do this are the ways you already mentioned, either with a converter or manually

ProgressValue is double use value from 0 to 1