Using WPF DataGridHyperLinkColumn Items to open Windows Explorer and open files Using WPF DataGridHyperLinkColumn Items to open Windows Explorer and open files wpf wpf

Using WPF DataGridHyperLinkColumn Items to open Windows Explorer and open files

This works universally:

<DataGridHyperlinkColumn Binding="{Binding Link}">    <DataGridHyperlinkColumn.ElementStyle>        <Style>            <EventSetter Event="Hyperlink.Click" Handler="DG_Hyperlink_Click"/>        </Style>    </DataGridHyperlinkColumn.ElementStyle></DataGridHyperlinkColumn>
private void DG_Hyperlink_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){    Hyperlink link = (Hyperlink)e.OriginalSource;    Process.Start(link.NavigateUri.AbsoluteUri);}

If the URI points a website it will be opened with the default web-browser, if it is a folder it will be opened in explorer, if it is a file it will be opened with the default application associated with it.

To use this for autogenerated columns your property needs to be of type Uri so a DataGridHyperlinkColumn is generated. You then can hook up the event by placing the style in the DataGrid.Resources:

<DataGrid.Resources>    <Style TargetType="Hyperlink">        <EventSetter Event="Click" Handler="DG_Hyperlink_Click"/>    </Style></DataGrid.Resources>