Windows 10 Pro -version 1803 bluetooth Profiles Access Windows 10 Pro -version 1803 bluetooth Profiles Access wpf wpf

Windows 10 Pro -version 1803 bluetooth Profiles Access

MAP abd PBAP is not a problem because both are OBEX based (which is RFCOMM).

However there can be some problems with HandsFree. It works great with BlueSoile drivers. But with standard microsoft may not work.

The first step it to use BluetoothSetServiceState with HFP UUID to tell windows to install drivers for your device's HFP profile. If function succeed you should see 2 audio devices appeared in your system: one is Inout and other is Output. You can find them using any media API (DirectSound, legacy API).

To be able to work with PBAP and MAP you need anyhow connect to your device through RFCOMM. WinSock or any other way is good.

Please note that the method above works only with Microsoft Bluetooth drivers. Other drivers (BlueSoleil, Toshiba) have absolutely different API so you have to add it into your application if need to support them.

Or you can simple take a look on BluetoothFramework