WPF ActualWidth is zero WPF ActualWidth is zero wpf wpf

WPF ActualWidth is zero

You could always attach a delgate to the PropertyMetatdata/OnValueChanged and when ActualHeight/ActualWidth changes from 0 to something, adjust your scrolling, ActualWidth/ActualHeight will have a value once its rendered at least once:

LocalNewsControl(){    var descriptor = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(ActualWidthProperty, typeof(TextBlock));    if (descriptor != null)        descriptor.AddValueChanged(myTextBlock, ActualWidth_ValueChanged);}private void ActualWidth_ValueChanged(object a_sender, EventArgs a_e){   //Modify you scroll things here   ...}

If you want to stick with your dispatcher call - set the priority to loaded then it will be called same time as the loaded event and you should have a value.There is an overload on BeginInvoke that takes a priority also.

Any Control's ActualHeight or ActualWidth will always be zero before they are Loaded > Measured > Arranged > Rendered.

In your case, I recommend using Loaded or SizeChanged event of that TextBlock to your advantage.