wpf - binding stringformat on label using string literal wpf - binding stringformat on label using string literal wpf wpf

wpf - binding stringformat on label using string literal

Label.Content is object so you can't use Binding.StringFormat there as the binding's target type must be string in order for it to work.

Two work arounds are: use TextBlock instead of Label and bind the Text property.

Use Label.ContentStringFormat i.e.

<Label ContentStringFormat="Current Value {0} of 10" Content={Binding ...} />

You only need to escape the string with {} if your first character is a {

For the ToolTip, you can check out WPF binding with StringFormat doesn't work on ToolTips.

As far as the StringFormat you specified above, you have to escape your string.

StringFormat="{}Current Value {0} of 10"

Here are a bunch of StringFormat examples.http://blogs.msdn.com/b/llobo/archive/2008/05/19/wpf-3-5-sp1-feature-stringformat.aspx