WPF DataGrid style-Silverlight DataGrid? WPF DataGrid style-Silverlight DataGrid? wpf wpf

WPF DataGrid style-Silverlight DataGrid?

Buried deep within MSDN, I found this.

Toward the bottom of the article, you will see this phrase:

For example, take a look at the following illustration that shows part of the Styling with ControlTemplates Sample

If you click 'Styling with ControlTemplates Sample', it will take you to a download link. After download, you can compile the project and it includes all kinds of styles, including the elusive datagrid style! You can take MS's DataGrid.xaml file and modify it for your needs.

I haven't found any projects with a working Silverlight-style DataGrid, so I created one on Codeplex:


Doesn't have all the themes, but there's at least a few there.

Seems there is not out-the-box style.
I posted a suggestion to Microsoft suggestions site, please vote here and here!!!

Anyone who has mimicked the Silverlight DataGrid default style to WPF should please post his answer and I will mark it as answer and give him a vote!

Thanks a lot!