WPF/Silverlight XAML Stretch Text Size to Fit container? WPF/Silverlight XAML Stretch Text Size to Fit container? wpf wpf

WPF/Silverlight XAML Stretch Text Size to Fit container?

You can use a ViewBox to visually zoom something to fit within its container. The other solutions here work, but they only stretch the control, not its content. The ViewBox will stretch both.

<!-- Big grid, will stretch its children to fill itself --><Grid Width="1000" Height="1000"> <!-- The button is stretched, but its text remains teeny tiny --> <Button>  <!-- The viewbox will stretch its content   to fit the final size of the button -->  <Viewbox      Margin="4"      VerticalAlignment="Stretch"      Height="Auto">      <!-- The textblock and its contents are       stretched to fill its parent -->      <TextBlock          Text="Bartenders" />  </Viewbox> </Button></Grid>

Depends on the parent container

Grid, DockPanel will stretch your controlStackPanel, WrapPanel will leave it to the control to size itself..

Set HorizonalAlignment/VerticalAlignment to "stretch".