WPF SplitButton? [closed] WPF SplitButton? [closed] wpf wpf

WPF SplitButton? [closed]

The only true "commercial-grade" split button that I know of is the one by Syncfusion, which is included as part of their ribbon controls (although it works outside of the ribbon as well).

That being said, I remember this implementation as being fairly usable and complete, if you're looking for something free.

Another good free implementation that seem to have it all:


  • The split button can be used in the toolbar and has a proper toolbar style. It can also be restyled if you want.
  • Dropdown menu is exposed via its own property - i.e splitbutton can have it's own context menu separate from the dropdown one (even though it seems illogical it can be useful in some cases - like toolbar context menu that pops up when you right click on a button placed in the toolbar).
  • The dropdown menu is standard ContextMenu - i.e. content can be databound, menu items restyled etc.
  • Both the main and the dropdown parts of the split button have command properties associated with them.

I don't know what exactly you are looking for in a split button, but this video on how to create one is pretty complete and makes a splitbutton that is just about perfect.


I know you didn't want a tutorial, but I've used this before and you couldn't tell the difference between it and the ones in outlook.