106 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7 106 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7 xcode xcode

106 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7

There is a line in one of your .h files where your wrote

#include "___.m"

instead of

#include "___.h"

So I fixed it. After removing the RestKit version of AFNetworking, from the vendor folder, I added it back by dragging into Xcode. It asks which project I want it used/copied to and this time I selected RestKitTest (or whatever the RestKitTesting is named). It works now. Maybe I selected both RestKit and RestKitTest before, which was wrong?

I also came up with same error. Generally this kind of error occurs due to duplicate classes and xibs in project folder. For Example in my project I had these classes twice ServiceRequest.h/.m. Get rid of duplicate ones and you are good to go.