Attempts to tap a UIButton in a UITableViewCell using UI Automation fail with "could not be tapped" Attempts to tap a UIButton in a UITableViewCell using UI Automation fail with "could not be tapped" xcode xcode

Attempts to tap a UIButton in a UITableViewCell using UI Automation fail with "could not be tapped"

You can alloc the UIButton except using round rect button. And also you can set target action of button in your controller class where table view delegate methods are presents.

Try asserting first if the button exists, use tuneup_js for easy assertions.Then assert if the button is enabled.

Have you tried:target.frontMostApp().mainWindow().scrollViews()[0].elements()[element_name].tableViews()[0].**cells()**.firstWithPredicate("name contains[c] 'Brooklyn'").elements()["detailsButton"]?

Also post another picture which shows the UIATableCell expanded where the detailsButton exists.