Azure Build Pipeline with There are no accounts registered with Xcode. Add your developer account to Xcode Azure Build Pipeline with There are no accounts registered with Xcode. Add your developer account to Xcode xcode xcode

Azure Build Pipeline with There are no accounts registered with Xcode. Add your developer account to Xcode

From the error you can understand that an Xcode app must be signed and provisioned to run on a device or be published to the App Store.

he signing and provisioning process needs access to your P12 signing certificate and one or more provisioning profiles. The Install Apple Certificate and Install Apple Provisioning Profile tasks make these available to Xcode during a build.

The following snippet installs an Apple P12 certificate and provisioning profile in the build agent's Keychain. Then, it builds, signs, and provisions the app with Xcode. Finally, the certificate and provisioning profile are automatically removed from the Keychain at the end of the build, regardless of whether the build succeeded or failed. For more details, see Sign your mobile app during CI.

# The `certSecureFile` and `provProfileSecureFile` files are uploaded to the Azure Pipelines secure files library where they are encrypted.# The `P12Password` variable is set in the Azure Pipelines pipeline editor and marked 'secret' to be encrypted.steps:- task: InstallAppleCertificate@2  inputs:    certSecureFile: 'chrisid_iOSDev_Nov2018.p12'    certPwd: $(P12Password)- task: InstallAppleProvisioningProfile@1  inputs:    provProfileSecureFile: '6ffac825-ed27-47d0-8134-95fcf37a666c.mobileprovision'- task: Xcode@5  inputs:    actions: 'build'    scheme: ''    sdk: 'iphoneos'    configuration: 'Release'    xcWorkspacePath: '**/*.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace'    xcodeVersion: 'default' # Options: 8, 9, 10, default, specifyPath    signingOption: 'default' # Options: nosign, default, manual, auto    useXcpretty: 'false' # Makes it easier to diagnose build failures

This article helped me to solve the error. If you use Cocoapods and have next error: Xcode builds suddenly failing with message 'error: does not support provisioning profiles<, then try to add this snippet to .pod file. Here is an original answer

post_install do |installer|  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|    target.build_configurations.each do |config|      config.build_settings['EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY'] = ""      config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED'] = "NO"      config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = "NO"    end  endend