Bitcode bundle could not be generated (while archiving) because Static Framework (.framework) was built without full bitcode Bitcode bundle could not be generated (while archiving) because Static Framework (.framework) was built without full bitcode xcode xcode

Bitcode bundle could not be generated (while archiving) because Static Framework (.framework) was built without full bitcode

I also had this problem with a framework I built.This is what worked for me:

  1. In Build Settings of the framework project set Other C Flags to -fembed-bitcode

  2. In the Build Settings of the framework target add a user defined flag called BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE with the value of bitcode

  3. Both in the framework project and target, Enable Bitcode should be set on Yes

This problem has been bothering me for a long time and like you I did everything I could and it still didn't work. Finally I found out it was a stupid configuration I made in Podfile:

target 'MySDK' do  project 'Src/MySDK.xcodeproj'endtarget 'Demo' do  project 'Demo/Demo.xcodeproj'  pod 'MySDK', :path => $spec_pathend

Since my SDK doesn't have any dependencies, I added such a target to automatically add my SDK project to the workspace created by cocoapods.

As a result, even though this target doesn't have any dependencies, this action creates libPods-MySDK.a in my SDK and adds it in Build Phases - Link Binary With Libraries.

This causes the same problem as yours.

The solution is simple, delete the empty targets in the podfiles, delete the invalid Pods and Frameworks directories, and delete the pod-related config in Build Phases.