Carthage: no shared framework schemes for iOS platform (for my own framework) Carthage: no shared framework schemes for iOS platform (for my own framework) xcode xcode

Carthage: no shared framework schemes for iOS platform (for my own framework)

The folks at Carthage helped me discover the issue - Xcode was not adding the schemes to git. Make sure that .xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes is added and pushed to github.

In my case the issue was due the way I've included repo url in my cartfile.I changed it from:

github "https://...UICore.git" == 1.0.0


git "https://... UICore.git" "master"

For me this was missing. I played around with scheme and pushed to GitHub PiAnimation.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/PiAnimation.xcscheme