Coco2d 2.1 and Xcode 7 iOS 9 crash ccShader Coco2d 2.1 and Xcode 7 iOS 9 crash ccShader xcode xcode

Coco2d 2.1 and Xcode 7 iOS 9 crash ccShader

I'm "rae" on and I might as well put my answer here as well, since all roads lead to StackOverflow. :-)

If you are using an older release of Cocos 2D, this may help. I edited CCGLProgram.m to change the beginning of the -(BOOL)compileShader: method thusly:

#define EXTENSION_STRING "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable"static NSString * g_extensionStr = @EXTENSION_STRING;- (BOOL)compileShader:(GLuint *)shader type:(GLenum)type byteArray:(const GLchar *)source{    GLint status;    if (!source)        return NO;    // BEGIN workaround for Xcode 7 bug    BOOL hasExtension = NO;    NSString *sourceStr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:source];    if([sourceStr rangeOfString:g_extensionStr].location != NSNotFound) {        hasExtension = YES;        NSArray *strs = [sourceStr componentsSeparatedByString:g_extensionStr];        assert(strs.count == 2);        sourceStr = [strs componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"];        source = (GLchar *)[sourceStr UTF8String];    }    const GLchar *sources[] = {        (hasExtension ? EXTENSION_STRING "\n" : ""),    #ifdef __CC_PLATFORM_IOS        (type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER ? "precision highp float;\n" : "precision mediump float;\n"),    #endif        "uniform mat4 CC_PMatrix;\n"        "uniform mat4 CC_MVMatrix;\n"        "uniform mat4 CC_MVPMatrix;\n"        "uniform vec4 CC_Time;\n"        "uniform vec4 CC_SinTime;\n"        "uniform vec4 CC_CosTime;\n"        "uniform vec4 CC_Random01;\n"        "//CC INCLUDES END\n\n",        source,    };    // END workaround for Xcode 7 bug

It's a hack, but it works for up to Xcode 7 beta 2. Hope this is helpful to someone googling for this.


The accepted answer did not work for me, but this did.

Go to the file named CCGLProgram.m

Replace the entire method named - (BOOL)compileShader:(CLuint *)shader type(GLenum)typebyteArray:(const GLchar *)source

with this method

#define _IPHONE9_0 [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] == 9.000#define EXTENSION_STRING "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable"static NSString * g_extensionStr = @EXTENSION_STRING;- (BOOL)compileShader:(GLuint *)shader type:(GLenum)type byteArray:(const GLchar *)source{GLint status;if (!source)    return NO;#ifdef _IPHONE9_0NSLog(@"USING IOS9 shaders");// BEGIN workaround for Xcode 7 ios9----BOOL hasExtension = NO;NSString *sourceStr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:source];if([sourceStr containsString:g_extensionStr]) {    hasExtension = YES;    NSArray *strs = [sourceStr componentsSeparatedByString:g_extensionStr];    assert(strs.count == 2);    sourceStr = [strs componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"];    source = (GLchar *)[sourceStr UTF8String];}const GLchar *sources[] = {    (hasExtension ? EXTENSION_STRING "\n" : ""),#ifdef __CC_PLATFORM_IOS    (type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER ? "precision highp float;\n" : "precision mediump float;\n"), #endif    "uniform mat4 CC_PMatrix;\n"    "uniform mat4 CC_MVMatrix;\n"    "uniform mat4 CC_MVPMatrix;\n"    "uniform vec4 CC_Time;\n"    "uniform vec4 CC_SinTime;\n"    "uniform vec4 CC_CosTime;\n"    "uniform vec4 CC_Random01;\n"    "//CC INCLUDES END\n\n",    source,};#elseNSLog(@"USING IOS8 shaders");const GLchar *sources[] = {#ifdef __CC_PLATFORM_IOS    (type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER ? "precision highp float;\n" : "precision mediump float;\n"),#endif    "uniform mat4 CC_PMatrix;\n"    "uniform mat4 CC_MVMatrix;\n"    "uniform mat4 CC_MVPMatrix;\n"    "uniform vec4 CC_Time;\n"    "uniform vec4 CC_SinTime;\n"    "uniform vec4 CC_CosTime;\n"    "uniform vec4 CC_Random01;\n"    "//CC INCLUDES END\n\n",    source,};#endif*shader = glCreateShader(type);glShaderSource(*shader, sizeof(sources)/sizeof(*sources), sources, NULL);glCompileShader(*shader);glGetShaderiv(*shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);if( ! status ) {    GLsizei length;    glGetShaderiv(*shader, GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH, &length);    GLchar src[length];    glGetShaderSource(*shader, length, NULL, src);    CCLOG(@"cocos2d: ERROR: Failed to compile shader:\n%s", src);    if( type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER )        CCLOG(@"cocos2d: %@", [self vertexShaderLog] );    else        CCLOG(@"cocos2d: %@", [self fragmentShaderLog] );    abort();}return ( status == GL_TRUE );}

Using the accepted answer above, but for newer versions of cocos2d:

In CCShader.m replace the lines

static GLintCompileShaderSources(GLenum type, NSArray *sources){


#define EXTENSION_STRING "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable"static NSString * g_extensionStr = @EXTENSION_STRING;static NSArray * PrependExtensionIfNeeded(NSArray *sources){    NSMutableArray *mutableSources = [NSMutableArray array];    BOOL hasExtension = NO;    for (NSString *source in sources)    {        NSString *newSource = [source copy];        if([source rangeOfString:g_extensionStr].location != NSNotFound)        {            hasExtension = YES;            NSArray *strs = [source componentsSeparatedByString:g_extensionStr];            newSource = [strs componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"];        }        [mutableSources addObject:newSource];    }    if (hasExtension)    {        NSMutableString *firstSource = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[mutableSources firstObject]];        [firstSource insertString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n", g_extensionStr] atIndex:0];        [mutableSources replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:firstSource];    }    return mutableSources;}static GLintCompileShaderSources(GLenum type, NSArray *sources){    sources = PrependExtensionIfNeeded(sources);