Cocoapods - Flurry & TestFlight - Undefined symbols for architecture Cocoapods - Flurry & TestFlight - Undefined symbols for architecture xcode xcode

Cocoapods - Flurry & TestFlight - Undefined symbols for architecture

The following worked for me:

In the Build Settings, do not override "Other Linker Flags". If it is bold, select it and press backspace, it should be back to its normal state. If it is not fixed, delete all flags, remove and reinstall Pods and that should fix it.

Cocoapods, for some reason, doesn't include libTestFlight.a in the TestFlight target. So to fix this issue, each time you run pod install, you must:

  1. Open the Pods-TestFlightSDK target in the Pods.xcodeproj project
  2. Open Build Phases tab
  3. Add (via "Add Other...") libTestFlight.a to Link Binary With Libraries dropdown

libTestFlight.a can be found in your [$SRCROOT]/Pods/TestFlightsSDK folder.

enter image description here

Do the same with Flurry and you're good to go!

Update May 1st 2014

It looks like "missing library integration" is a symptom of using the --no-integrate flag (e.g., pod install --no-integrate).

And to make life easier, I've written a script to automatically add the libraries after running pod (update|install) --no-integrate

Adjust as necessary and add this to the bottom of your Podfile:

# Use post_install to automatically include required librariespost_install do |installer_representation|    installer_representation.project.targets.each do |target|        if == 'Pods-TestFlightSDK'            libFile = installer_representation.project.new_file('TestFlightSDK/libTestFlight.a')        end        if == 'Pods-Brightcove-Player-SDK'            libFile = installer_representation.project.new_file('Brightcove-Player-SDK/Library/libBCOVPlayerSDK.a')        end        unless libFile.nil?            puts "    - Adding %s to %s Frameworks Build Phases" % [libFile,]            target.frameworks_build_phase.add_file_reference(libFile)        end    endend

I've found that can be few reasons of this issue:

  1. libPod.a not included in "link binary with libraries" (try to remove reference and add again)
  2. Compiler can't find library. Strange behaviour, try to write path to libraries using ${PODS_ROOT} at "Library search path". ($(PODS_ROOT)/TestFlightSDK for example)
  3. Compiler can't find header. try to write path to headers using ${PODS_ROOT} at "Header search path".

Hope that this is helpful.