Cocoapods "pod update" installs old pods Cocoapods "pod update" installs old pods xcode xcode

Cocoapods "pod update" installs old pods

I've got it working now! I didn't know about the _xcsbuildd user which does the builds. I found more about this here:

So after logging in as this user I saw the same problem in the terminal on the server. Old versions of the pods were downloaded. The master repository of CocoaPods has some error, so I did

rm -rf ~/.cocoapods/repos/master

Then I ran

pod setup --verbose

And the master repository with the Cocoapods specs was installed again. Now it works!

For those of you encountering this issue with newer libraries like:

  • Facebook login
  • 'FBSDKLoginKit'
  • 'FBSDKShareKit'
  • 'FBSDKCoreKit'

you need to update your cocoapods to the latest version ( currently 1.2)

I did the following which worked:(Warning Cocoapods seems to sit idling for ages but I guess its doing something. )Follow the first two steps from @youritrg above in terminal:

rm -rf ~/.cocoapods/repos/masterpod setup --verbose 

You should now have an refreshed installation. I then updated by doing:

sudo gem install cocoapods

After installation the Facebook Cocoapods installed perfectly.