Code Signing Error Whenever I try replacing stock files in new SceneKit application Code Signing Error Whenever I try replacing stock files in new SceneKit application xcode xcode

Code Signing Error Whenever I try replacing stock files in new SceneKit application

Get rid of this build error in three easy steps:

1) delete the most current folder related to your app in DerivedData (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData)

2) in the terminal, cd to the current project dir

3) run

xattr -rc .

to remove all extended attributes (usually related to image files previously edited in Photoshop)

rebuild your app!

The error is from attributes inside your image files.

Here is a simple command to find all of your png files and remove their attributes. Run this in your projects root directory from terminal. Rebuild, clean and problem solved.

find . -type f -name '*.png' -exec xattr -c {} \;

I got the resource fork, finder information, or similar detritus not allowed error after having installed the development version of macOS and in my case it was caused by invalid attributes on some of my files.

I fixed it by searching for attributes set on my files like this

ls -alR@ . > investigate.txt

Now open investigate.txt in your favorite text editor and perform a search for and clear attributes on all files having this attribute set. You can do that using

xattr -c <filename> e.g. xattr -c iTunesArtwork.png

Once I cleared all my files I was able to code sign my app again.