Combine static libraries on Apple Combine static libraries on Apple xcode xcode

Combine static libraries on Apple

you can use libtool to do it

libtool -static -o new.a old1.a old2.a

If you're dealing with multi-architecture static libraries, a bit of extra manipulation is required to thin each library, combine the thinned versions, and then fatten the result. Here's a handy script which you can edit to your satisfaction which does all that in one. The example takes three iOS libraries path/to/source/libs/libone.a, path/to/source/libs/libtwo.a, and path/to/source/libs/libthree.a and merges them into a single library libcombined.a.

#! /bin/bashINPATH="path/to/source/libs"LIBPREFIX="lib"LIBS="one two three"LIBEXT=".a"OUT="combined"ARCHS="armv7 armv7s arm64"for arch in $ARCHSdo  for lib in $LIBS  do    lipo -extract $arch $INPATH/$LIBPREFIX$lib$LIBEXT -o $LIBPREFIX$lib-$arch$LIBEXT  done  INLIBS=`eval echo $LIBPREFIX\{${LIBS// /,}\}-$arch$LIBEXT`  libtool -static -o $LIBPREFIX$OUT-$arch$LIBEXT $INLIBS  rm $INLIBSdoneOUTLIBS=`eval echo $LIBPREFIX$OUT-\{${ARCHS// /,}\}$LIBEXT`lipo -create $OUTLIBS -o $LIBPREFIX$OUT$LIBEXTrm $OUTLIBS

You should use ar -r to create an archive on MacOS:

ar -x libabc.aar -x libxyz.aar -r libaz.a  *.o