Copy files to bundle depending on active configuration Copy files to bundle depending on active configuration xcode xcode

Copy files to bundle depending on active configuration

I didn't find any better solution than using a Run Script. Best reference is Copy file to the App Resources directory if debug configuration is selected.

I solved my problem with this run script:


The best way to do it using Exclude Source File Names under Build Settings as it shown in the image.

enter image description here

If you can give the two different files the same name, you can put them in the build products folders for the appropriate configuration. Then add one of them to the project, and make it a reference relative to the build product.

If you want to have the files live elsewhere, you can put symbolic links in the build products folders. But I'm not sure if it would work if the files have different names but the symlinks have the same name.

I've done this trick on Mac projects, I'm assuming it would work for iOS too.

Edit: Here's an example of something I've done: I want the debug build of my app to link against the debug build of a certain library, and I want the release build of the app to link against the release build of the library. So I put the debug library (or a symlink to it) into the Debug subfolder of the app build folder, and I put the release library into the Release subfolder of the app build folder. Then, when I add the library to the project, I specify that the reference is "relative to build product".