Cordova: Unexpected Machine Code - Your upload contains both bitcode and native machine code Cordova: Unexpected Machine Code - Your upload contains both bitcode and native machine code xcode xcode

Cordova: Unexpected Machine Code - Your upload contains both bitcode and native machine code

Posting an answer myself, as it seems to be quite a popular question with nobody answering — so the issue is on the Apple side. Some people contacted Apple support and confirmed this. There is no need to recompile anything. The binary with such a warning can be submitted to the AppStore — it will pass the review successfully. I've already did it with a few apps.

Check more details here: "Unexpected Machine Code" warning from iTunes Connect

I've found this thread:

suggesting to set Enable Bitcode to NO but in my case it already was on NO and still got this message... :-\

however, another guy said:

"It's happening to me as well. On stack overflow someone's says they called iTC and it's a problem on their side."

so I hope it has no effect, and it'll gone as it appeared...