CoreTelephony eSIM functions not working on device CoreTelephony eSIM functions not working on device xcode xcode

CoreTelephony eSIM functions not working on device

So... after a lot of trial an error I was able to solve this little issue.

There are 2 things to know about supportsCellularPlan() (other then having the eSIM entitlements of course).

You need to have WiFi enabled for it to work as it seems to need to connect with Apple for some checks.

It requires the CarrierDescriptors to be entered correctly in your info.plist as it is carrier-bound.

Once you have that, it should work as expected.

CarrierDescriptors Example:

  <key>CarrierDescriptors</key>    <array>      <dict>       <key>MCC</key> //Mobile country code       <string>’mnc value’</string>       <key>MNC</key> // Mobile network code        <string>’mnc value’</string>      </dict>    </array>

You can find the correct MCC/MNC values here: https://www.mcc-mnc.comBtw for some reason, it also works for me, when there is just random value "xxx" for example.But it needs to be there in the plist.