"Could not find any information for class named ViewController" "Could not find any information for class named ViewController" xcode xcode

"Could not find any information for class named ViewController"

What solved this issue for me was actually deleting the class from the project.


  1. In the project file explorer (left panel) find the class and right click -> Delete
  2. Remove reference (do not move to trash as you will lose the class for good)
  3. Right click on the folder that contained the class -> Add files to ...
  4. Find the class you just deleted in the file system

This seems to force Xcode to link the class back into the storyboard.

Note: for me the following did not work:

  • Closing Xcode
  • Cleaning the project
  • Deleting the class name from the storyboard and re-entering it

I think this is a bug on Apple's part

In case anyone is still frustrated by this, there's a trick to get things working.

What I do is manually enter an outlet into my class, for example: @IBOutlet weak var someView: UIView!, and drag from the code to the view in IB or storyboard. After this, I am able to drag from IB / Storyboard to my class to make connections, assistant editors recognizes the class in "Automatic", etc...

Works every time.

For me removing them from your target membership in the right column and adding them again did the trick enter image description here