Debugging Only Obj-C/C in Xcode 4.3? Debugging Only Obj-C/C in Xcode 4.3? xcode xcode

Debugging Only Obj-C/C in Xcode 4.3?

This probably isn't what you want to hear, but as of Xcode 4.5.2 (the current version of Xcode, or at least the most current I have ;), I don't believe it's possible to have the debugger automatically skip over Apple's internal instructions. I don't believe this is related to ARC in particular, but just how the latest version of the debugger is working.

Here's ways I've gotten around this while debugging:

1) You can use the "skip over" button to continue onto the next piece of code (and you may have to do this a few times to get out of Apple's stuff).

2) You can put a breakpoint right before and right after your code that you're debugging. This way, instead of using the skip over button, you can use the "play" button.

I don't use ARC yet, but I remember reading this which may have some clues on configuring the debugger that might help:

While the message you've posted is ARC-related, this behavior has nothing to do with ARC; something's just dropping the debugger down into the assembly instructions. Using the Step Out button in the debugger is actually what you want to pull you back into your own code.