Detect if slow animations is on / off in iOS Simulator in code Detect if slow animations is on / off in iOS Simulator in code xcode xcode

Detect if slow animations is on / off in iOS Simulator in code

Fortunately it's easy:

float UIAnimationDragCoefficient(void);static inline BOOL slowAnimationsEnabled(){#if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR    return UIAnimationDragCoefficient() != 1;#else    return NO;#endif}

Unfortunately it's not that easy. Have a look at this code by 0xced for how to make slow CAAnimations in the simulator.

I defined this function that returns the factor to multiply animation durations with (1 if slow animations are disabled, the slowness factor otherwise):

CGFloat FTSimulatorAnimationDragCoefficient(void) {    static float (*UIAnimationDragCoefficient)(void) = NULL;#if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{        UIAnimationDragCoefficient = (float (*)(void))dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "UIAnimationDragCoefficient");    });#endif    return UIAnimationDragCoefficient ? UIAnimationDragCoefficient() : 1.f;}

Note that I use float, not CGFloat as the return type of the called UIAnimationDragCoefficient() function. This is needed to work with the 64 bit simulator.

Then I can simply multiply the animation duration:

CAAnimation animation = [CABasicAnimation animation];animation.duration = 0.5 * FTSimulatorAnimationDragCoefficient();