Did the Target-Action design pattern became bad practice under ARC? Did the Target-Action design pattern became bad practice under ARC? xcode xcode

Did the Target-Action design pattern became bad practice under ARC?

The problem with performSelector is that ARC doesn't know what the selector which will performed, does. Consider the following:

id anotherObject1 = [someObject performSelector:@selector(copy)];id anotherObject2 = [someObject performSelector:@selector(giveMeAnotherNonRetainedObject)];

Now, how can ARC know that the first returns an object with a retain count of 1 but the second returns an object which is autoreleased? (I'm just defining a method called giveMeAnotherNonRetainedObject here which returns something autoreleased). If it didn't add in any releases then anotherObject1 would leak here.

Obviously in my example the selectors to be performed are actually known, but imagine that they were chosen at run time. ARC really could not do its job of putting in the right number of retains or releases here because it simply doesn't know what the selector is going to do. You're right that ARC is not bending any rules and it's just adding in the correct memory management calls for you, but that's precisely the thing it can't do here.

You're right that the fact you're ignoring the return value means that it's going to be OK, but in general ARC is just being picky and warning. But I guess that's why it's a warning and not an error.


If you're really sure your code is ok, you could just hide the warning like so:

#pragma clang diagnostic push#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"[specifiedReceiver performSelector:specifiedSelector];#pragma clang diagnostic pop

The warning should read like this:

PerformSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown. ARC doesn't know if the returned id has a +1 retain count or not, and therefore can't properly manage the memory of the returned object.

Unfortunately, it's just the first sentence.

Now the solution:

If you receive a return value from a -performSelector method, you can't do anything about the warning in code, except ignoring it.

NSArray *linkedNodes = [startNode performSelector:nodesArrayAccessor];

Your best bet is this:

#pragma clang diagnostic push#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"NSArray *linkedNodes = [startNode performSelector:nodesArrayAccessor];#pragma clang diagnostic pop

Same goes for the case in my initial question, where I completely ignore the return value. ARC should be intelligent enough to see that I don't care about the returned id, and therefore the anonymous selector is almost guaranteed not to be a factory, convenience constructor or whatsoever. Unfortunately ARC is not, so the same rule applies. Ignore the warning.

It can also be done for the whole project by setting the -Wno-arc-performSelector-leaks compiler flag under "Other Warning Flags" in project build settings.

Alternatively, you can surpress the warning on a per-file basis when you add that flag under Your Target > "Build Phases" > "Compile Sources" on the right-hand side next to the desired file.

All three solutions are very messy IMHO so I hope someone comes up with a better one.

As described above you get that warning because the compiler does not know where (or if) to put the retain/release of the performSelector: return value.

But note that if you use [someObject performSelector:@selector(selectorName)] it will not generate warnings (at least in Xcode 4.5 with llvm 4.1) because the exact selector is easy to be determined (you set it explicitly) and that's why compiler is able to put the retain/releases in the correct place.

That's why you will get warning only if you pass the selector using SEL pointer because in that case the compiler is unable to determine in all case what to do. So using the following

SEL s = nil;if(condition1) SEL = @selector(sel1)else SEL = @selector(sel2)[self performSelector:s];

will generate warning. But refactoring it to be:

if(condition1) [self performSelector:@selector(sel1)]else [self performSelector:@selector(sel2)]

will not generate any warnings