Disable "Documentation Comments" warning for selected files Disable "Documentation Comments" warning for selected files xcode xcode

Disable "Documentation Comments" warning for selected files

You can use this snippet to suppress the warnings:

#pragma clang diagnostic push#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation"#import <YourHeader.h>#pragma clang diagnostic pop

see this cocoapod-issue for details: https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/1481 (snippet comes from there)

I face the same issue when using cocoapods.
If you are using cocoapods, and wants to silence the warnings from pods files,you can do this:

  1. In your target's Build Settings, select All && Levels, then search for documentation comments.
  2. Then change your Project's documentation comments to NO,change your target's documentation comments to YES.
  3. Then Clean build floder(Press Command+Option+Shift+K), rebuid your target.You will silence the Document issue warning from your pods files, and still have them for your own files.
  4. In case you want to silence your own files as well, keep your target's documentation comments to NO will do the trick.
  5. The result will look like this:

enter image description here

What about ignoring warning coming from library added by cocoapods?

In your podfile, add


to remove all warning


pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK', :inhibit_warnings => true

to remove warnings from specific library.