Disable warnings in Xcode from frameworks Disable warnings in Xcode from frameworks xcode xcode

Disable warnings in Xcode from frameworks

  1. If your third-party libraries are added as a separate target, you can check Inhibit all warnings for that specific target to turn all warnings off.

  2. If your library is added as plain source files to your current target, you can set -w compiler flag for individual sources to mute all warnings in them. You have to go to Build phases menu of your target configuration and set this flag for each source file in Compile Sources section by double clicking on each file end entering -w flag.enter image description here

If you are using pods, you can add this to your podfile to prevent warnings logging:

post_install do |installer|  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|    target.build_configurations.each do |config|      config.build_settings['GCC_WARN_INHIBIT_ALL_WARNINGS'] = "YES"    end  endend

If the warnings come from the included library or framework header files, you can wrap that include statements like this:

#pragma clang diagnostic push#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnullability-completeness"#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h>#import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareKit.h>#pragma clang diagnostic pop

Put your warning flag on the second line above. You can lookup a warning flags here: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/DiagnosticsReference.html