ERROR ITMS-90086 submitting app ERROR ITMS-90086 submitting app xcode xcode

ERROR ITMS-90086 submitting app

Make sure that for BOTH:

  • Project --> Build Settings --> Architectures

Project --> Build Settings --> Architectures


  • Targets --> Build Settings --> Architectures

Targets --> Build Settings --> Architectures

You have the following 4 things:

  1. Architectures set to Standard architectures (armv7, arm64) - $(ARCHS_STANDARD)
  2. Base SDK set to some iOS8 SDK, for example Latest iOS (iOS 8.3) or iOS 8.3
  3. Build Active Architecture Only --> Release set to No
  4. Valid Architectures set to arm64 armv7 armv7s

You will then no longer get the ERROR ITMS-90086

Make sure your "Build Active Architecture Only" setting is set to "No"

I case you bought an old app somewhere and are having this error message, also check that the deployment target is set to 8.0 or higher in both the project and the target.