Error with bash script "exit code 126" Error with bash script "exit code 126" xcode xcode

Error with bash script "exit code 126"

126 for “command not executable"

# Running self :)${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR} -cpd-xml "${FULL_PATH_TO_CPD_XML_OUTPUT}"

It looks like $BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR} is not executableCan you update with the value of this var please

The error may also be caused due to inadequate "Permissions" to run the Shell.I got:- bash: /home/ Permission denied exit-status: 126
On fixing the permissions on shell script, the issue got fixed.

Like the error message in the pastebin says, the value of ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR} is a directory (line 314). It doesn't make any sense to attempt to execute a directory, so it appears that the build script is broken or corrupted.

By the by, are the setenv commands part of the script as well? This is typically a csh command, not a sh or bash command. Executing a directory doesn't make sense under tcsh either, though, as far as I am aware.